Wonder woman

I was on fire at the office today… Cleaned up a lot of shit, ordered a lot of people around, argued with a sales director, impressed a VP, pissed off my boss, received a couple of emails from another VP who’s in China to ask me to take care of a few problems, put a new driver on the road… 🙂

I felt like firing a couple of my collegues… but I have only so much power. It was a great feeling though.
So I went to the video store and got Tekken 5, I felt like kicking some more ass. And also rented Gangs of New York, The Big Lebowski and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

3 thoughts on “Wonder woman”

  1. JADE says:

    Hey, i read your blog….;)

  2. swan_pr says:

    thank you 🙂 I love your red one, beautiful montage.

  3. Hey I like your blog, it is very good and it inspires me. Good job and keep it up.

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