Rain song

These are the seasons of emotion
And like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion
I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient
Upon us all a little rain
Must fall.

Just a little rain? Or is this a downpour? I don’t know. So many things are falling down, so many moments are being washed away. Then a crack in the clouds and a few rays of light. A smile, a hug, a touch, a kind word.

Through my storm I’ve encountered islands of tranquility, patches of sun. Now I see the land where I can build a new path, where nothing will be familiar but everything will be right. I will not crash on the shore. I will meet the sand, feel its warmth, print a trail and move on to the wide open space before me. This is where I will stand, this is where I will grow.

4 thoughts on “Rain song”

  1. C’est à celle-ci que tu devrais t’accrocher:

    Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream
    I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
    To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
    They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed

    Led Zeppelin / Kashmir


  2. swan_pr says:

    T’es toujours one step ahead of me!

  3. Stephaine says:

    This is a beautiful eloquent post.

  4. swan_pr says:

    Thank you stephaine 🙂

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