J’ai fait le tour

J’ai souvent cette impression. Que j’ai fait le tour. Une situation, un emploi, une personne, une émotion. Je l’sais. J’ai saisi. Je vais au vidéo, je regarde le boîtier, j’ai vu le film. J’écoute une toune, j’ai entendu l’album. J’ai une conversation, les mots sont vieux et usés et je sais exactement où les mettre, comment les placer dans mes phrases. Un déjà-vu qui m’écoeure, un désintéressement total. Parce que j’ai fait le tour.

Un moment donné, au cours d’une conversation on me dit “J’ai fait le tour”. Fuck. C’est plus pareil dans la bouche d’un autre. C’est pire. C’est le reflet du vide. Du manque. Je regarde mon abîme, pis j’me dit, c’est pas vrai. Ça peut pas être juste ça.

“Dans le fond, tout ce qu’il y a, c’est les enfants”. Tu n’as jamais fait le tour avec les enfants. C’est toute une vie qui s’écrit devant toi. C’est pour ça? Toute une vie à écrire, toute une autre vie à oublier. À partager? J’ai peur de cet abandon de soi.

On se donne entièrement à ses enfants, ou on se consacre à son nombril? Qu’est-ce que ça donne de lire, de voir des films, de se cultiver, d’avoir des amis, de manger un bon repas, d’avoir une vie spirituelle, de baiser, de fumer, de boire un bon vin, de rigoler d’une bonne blague, de s’engager socialement, de voyager? Qu’est-ce que ça donne tous ces plaisirs?


Des vies à écrire, des vies à unir.

How to get there

Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
And I can’t help but ask myself how much I’ll let the fear take the wheel and steer
It’s driven me before, it seems to have a vague haunting mass appeal
Lately I’m beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel
-Incubus (don’t have the album, can’t find who wrote the lyrics… sorry)

Well, yeah, grabbing the wheel is a start. Getting rid of the fear. The appeal is in the comfort. In wearing your seatbelt. In making full stops. In never letting that needle get lower than half. I rode on fumes. Ran some red lights. I just need to get a better hold on the wheel.

Of anticipation and aftershock

Anticipation, expectations, quake, aftershocks.
Anticipation, all there is to it. It’s all there still.
Expectations, promises, deceptions, hopes, promises again.
Quake, a little tight. Still, earth shattering, feeding, ending the need, prolonging the longing.
Aftershocks, patience, smile, happy, empty, when? now, later, never, who knows.
A little tight.
A little dirty.
A little.
Anticipation… Everything it should be was.
Expectations… Too many, not enough, the hunger gives.
Quake… In the past, present.
Aftershock… In the future.
Again? now, later, never.

Goddess of war

Not quite… But I’m in the temple of the Oracle, so I’m doing pretty good. And Kratos is damn sexy.


What defines a relationship after so many years? Besides comfort, besides habit, besides security. There has to be love. There has to be patience, acceptance, trust, understanding. But these things mean some kind of self sacrifice. Does self sacrifice mean love? What makes us think that taking the backseat is love. Then again, why is it not? Happiness can be found in self awareness, yes. Emancipation? Ok.

I’m not happy. It’s not his fault. Not at this point. It’s mine only. I have chosen to become who I am. I have chosen the paths at the crossroads. I have made the decisions. Not anybody else. So if I’m unhappy, it can only be my fault. It is my burden. My war.

I can deal with this. Nothing has changed, nothing of importance, in the last few years. Nothing in our foundations. Nothing. I’ve been able to take it, I’ve even embraced it at times. I’ve taken the wrong paths at times. It is now up to me to find my way. If it could become what it is now, there is no reason why I can’t make it become something better.

I’m taking on a challenge. Not out of fear of being alone. Not out of pity. Not out of obligation. Out of love. To end the war within myself. Beware, the Goddess has arrived.

I should stop playing that game.

A very momentary lapse of reason

Fuck the lighter side.

I’m doing fine, but. I can’t put my finger on it. We had this very open, very honest conversation. That was supposed to take care of everything, put things in perspective. Give us a chance for change, for improvement.

Ok, fine, we had the talk. So why do I feel unsettled? Is it because I thought it would change instantly? Because it wasn’t really what I wanted to hear? Because I, I, I, for fuck’s sake. Yes, I. Not you, not us, just fucking I.

Obviously he’s not the only one with problems. And that’s probably what struck me that night. Shit, I really did not want to hear this. Actually it never came out. I just realized it while we were talking. I have some serious issues. I need to grow up.

Christmas tree: up
Decorations: up
Anxiety: through the fucking roof
Coworker whistling Jingle Bells: dead
Me: feeling much better.

No content

It will take me sometime to recover from the events of the weekend. Sometime to be able to write about how I feel about everything. Lots of words, lots of feelings. Everything’s good, just a bit overwhelming.

So I’ll be on the lighter side for a few days.

I discovered God Of War today. What a great game. I can’t stop playing. I love to kill the minautors with my double swinging blades (whatever they’re called I don’t care, they fucking KILL). Also rented Donnie Darko and The Score.

I spent my birthday crashed on the couch ripping monsters apart and smoking cigarettes. I’d say it was near perfect.


C’est mon âge depuis minuit. Depuis minuit ma vie à pris un nouveau souffle. De belles possibilités. Une shot au bonheur. On a décidé de se donner une chance. Depuis minuit, je dors mieux.

Faut quand même décorer l’crisse de sapin.


We need to talk… I hope I’ll be back. When everything has been said.

La voix

Elle est apparue au milieu d’une phrase, au centre d’un mot, juste avant une inspiration. Et puis mon nom. Et puis mes mots. Et mon coeur s’est emballé, mes yeux se sont mouillés, ma respiration s’est arrêtée… un peu.

Elle a redonné à ces mots la vie qui m’avait échappée lorsque je les ai écrits. Elle a mis en symphonie la confusion qui hantait chaque phrase. Elle a fait de ces paragraphes des chapitres de ma vie. Elle a mis un visage sur chaque sentiment que j’essayais d’identifier. Elle m’a dit que tout était vrai. Elle m’a aidé à ne jamais oublier.

Merci Pat.