
A few things…

I’m going to kill the stupid fucking bitch I work with before tomorrow. I swear, I’ll tear her fucking head off. She’s stupid, ignorant, arrogant, petty, she lies… FUCK. I hate it when I can’t deal with someone. And she’s the kind of person that talks ALL THE FUCKING TIME. She can’t shut up. She thinks out loud, that’s the worst. Always mumbling something, asking questions, answering herself. Arrrrrghhhhhh!!!

She’s sitting in front of me. Right now. And she’s typing something, and she’s fucking TALKING, actually saying out loud what she’s typing… Get me out of here please…

Oh, that’s another thing… I’m at work. Never posted from here before. But that’s how quiet it’s been. It sucks, I hate it when there’s nothing to do. The less I do then the less I want to do when the volume picks up…

It’s the first time I work for such a big company (1/2 a bil in revenue last year…) and I can honestly say that security and proximity were the two major reasons I came to work here. But it’s been 2 years, and I realize that I don’t belong in this place. I’ll never socialize, I’ll never make friends, I’ll never eat in the cafeteria, I’ll never change my attitude (something that they actually HIRED me for, and pay me big bucks for) and never fucking pretend I like someone because I have to work with him/her. I want to be able to say fuck off, shut up, get the fuck out of here, don’t bother me with your shit… I used to be able to, the other companies I worked for, but here NO. They want me to be pleasant, smiling and shit. No way. That’s not me, just do your job properly, I’ll do mine and see you tomorrow. Clock watchers… all of them.

Well, gotta do some work now, the crazy bitch is gone for lunch. I hope she fucking chokes on someting and DIES.

8 thoughts on “Really?”

  1. corporate psychopaths and annoying talkers who also happen to lie, cheat & scheme all deserve to choke and die. or maybe just choke a bit and then go on sick leave indefinitely, i totally hear ya – have dealt with many people like the one you have described & wonder why they have never been strangled or run over 😉

  2. Spyder says:

    Swan, really, you should learn to let things out, holding it all in like that. well only give you ulcers, and make you insane. go ahead and just open up say what you really mean and feel :)heh

    i was going to say ” someone sounds like they need a hug ”
    but then i figured you might hunt me down and hurt me.

    next time at work walk up to her hand her a coke and smile and then say ” here have a coke and a smile, now could you just shut the fuck up? ”

    it works i swear by it, ( ok about 87% of the time it works)

  3. Stephaine says:

    Should I start a collection for bail?

  4. riskybiz says:

    I don’t think I get what you mean. Your not very clear about how you feel about you co-worker!

  5. swan_pr says:

    face: you’re too kind. sick leave involves life.

    spyder: coke laced with cyanide, sure! and no, I would never hurt you!

    stephaine: nah, they would never keep me, they’d thank me! but thanks for the thought 🙂

    risky: carefull, if you ever haul my freight, you might end up having to deal with her, then you’ll understand 😉

  6. Carmo says:

    swan, I love the new look blog…it’s damn cool. Where did you get the layout platfrom from? You speak like i think at work every fucking day…having to put up with shite talk and noise. Why can’t people just work quietly so I can think and get my work done quicker and better. Honestly, it drives me to drink most of the time, haha. Same ol’ shit different day here…I’m starting to get bored. Was going to go out tonight but said fuck it and went to the gym instead…what a life. Hope the weekend is better than the week you’ve had!!

  7. swan_pr says:

    carmo, thank you 🙂 for the layout, just click on the link in “credits” (template by caz), he has a great database, as well as some links if what he’s got doesn’t do it for you.

    gym over drinks… you’re good. but the morning will thank you. the weekend is always a better alternative, always better than the week, regardless.

    hey your trip is coming up! you’ll get out of that rut in no time 🙂 have a good one.

  8. riskybiz says:

    Don’t worry, I don’t do Quebec, crazy drivers are there.

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