And once again, on the outskirts of sociability (trust)

A family with an extra plate on the table will take me in. But only for one meal.

I can’t hang around too long. Don’t want to meet the expectations. Don’t want, not can’t. Closed, for fear of intrusion. But why do I crave my lock to be picked then?

Every one talking, laughing, passing around plates. Smiling. Engaging converstation. And I jump in. And as the evening grows, I start to wonder… Is my laugh too loud? Did I sound stupid with that quote? Did I sound obnoxious with that remark? Did they really think that was funny, or they were just being polite? Should I get another drink? Did I have too much to drink? Did I talk too much about myself? Did I listen well?

Air kisses, let’s exchange numbers, that was quite an evening don’t you agree, let’s do this again soon, please call…

I will sit at your table and eat your food and be thankful. More than you think. Even though we won’t see each other again.

I just hope there are no mushrooms in the sauce, I hate mushrooms.

This is part 3 of an ongoing project with Perrasite Premier. The first two parts are in French. Part 1 can be found here (That’s it) and part 2 here (Ça y est, encore).

8 thoughts on “And once again, on the outskirts of sociability (trust)”

  1. kono says:


    how come you don’t like mushrooms?

    personally, i love mushrooms.

    an excellent read, thanks!


  2. JELIEL³ says:

    Only the foolish are cocksure, the intellectual lives in constant doubt.

  3. swan_pr says:

    perrasite: yay… bring it on 🙂

    kono: thanks, good to see you 🙂

    jeliel: thank you ZenMaster. I hope you don’t charge or anything 😉 seriously, thank you, I love your insight.

  4. JELIEL³ says:

    Oh I was quoting someone… just can’t remember who :S

  5. swan_pr says:

    doesn’t matter, you thought about the quote. same thing to me 🙂

  6. JELIEL³ says:

    Well thank you and you’re welcome

  7. That’s it. L’autre point de vue de cette histoire est maintenant en ligne.

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