I rock… sink to the bottom

1400 people at the Montreal Traffic Club’s Lobster party tonight. That’s alot of toupees and cheap suits. That’s my world. That’s people I’ve worked for/with/against for ten years. That’s also alot of eyes on me. For the first time. In a long time. Eyes like hands. Eating. Drinking from my fountain. And I gave free refills. Cleavage, tight black pants, heels, leather coat. My hair like an aura. Eyes trying to see through mine. Smiles hard to contain. Both sides.

-They look at you like you’re a piece of meat!

-My God, you look FAN-TAS-TIC!
-Why, thank you!

-Wow, the older you get, the better you look!
-Oh, that’s so kind, thank you!

-Hey! You lost weight! You look amazing!
-Thank you! Yes, 30 pounds!

-Swan, you are beautiful tonight, wow!
-Thanks Ex-Boss!

-Haven’t we met before? Don’t I know you? Oh, wow, I can’t believe it’s you!
-Awww, come on! (keep it coming)

Level 1 000 568 on the ego scale.

Home. I’m invisible. No hands. Crash. Back to square one.

9 thoughts on “I rock… sink to the bottom”

  1. Spyder says:

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(that’s me editing myself.)

  2. JELIEL³ says:

    This post has been removed by the author.

  3. JELIEL³ says:

    Say you are on the hill side of a big mountain looking over a valley. But it’s night, dark, you can’t see your hand before your face…

    Then lightning hits and the whole valley becomes clear as day but for a fleeting moment. For a fleeting moment you see it all with clarity, you feel fulfilled.

    Such is happiness, flashes in an ocean of darkness. Fleeting, temporary, transient (as all things in life)

    So for an evening you were all woman, enjoy that, focus not on before and after.

    If your husband can’t see the hotness, it is his loss.

  4. Weta says:


  5. L’avantage de rester tout seul, c’est que t’es sûr d’être invisible quand t’arrives à maison.

  6. swan_pr says:

    perrasite: let me roll it tu veux dire. bonne toune! :p

    spyder: somehow I know exactly what you’re saying 🙂

    jeliel: I love the image. you’Ve mentioned this to me before. but like that, it really makes it easy to visualise and understand the power of its meaning. thank you 🙂

    weta: if only there had been a touch.

    pat: oui, you can’t set yourself up for disapointment…

  7. JELIEL³ says:

    Damn I’m repeating myself =/ I hate that. But it still stands.

    I’ll have to dig up more wisdom 😉

  8. swan_pr says:

    jeliel: not repeating. you made it clearer. thats fine 🙂 but keep it coming.

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