A movement

Did you feel the shift? Was there a shift?

As silences grew big enough to swallow the sounds

My stride stopped by a sudden change in the melody

The song remains the same, turned low

Meaning can be found between days of noise

Much more than between lines that were never written

The idea of what is and what should never be

Is lost in the caves of my good conscience

When the well is dry is when everything is real

The realities catch up to the dreams

And kill the thought that they ever happened

But for a single note that I still hear

When the words no longer speak their music

When the memories no longer evoke the living

A shift happens

Did you feel the shift?

Was there a shift?

Oh how I wish I'd breath once more

The air filled with the ghosts of chance

The promise of freshly fallen rain

And the warmth of spring's embrace

6 thoughts on “A movement”

  1. This has left me feeling dazed and confused with my head between speakers. Great read. So often your work leaves me feeling affected.

  2. Dave says:

    I not a big fan of music on blogs, but Led Zeppelin… sublime choice 😀

  3. moonwart says:

    silence: the calm before the storm, the white noise of battle, the crazy calm of love . . . or lust, the moment when the world stops in the aftermath of disaster.

  4. Je lis ça avec une drôle d’impression (peut-être due à ma traduction), comme de gros points d’interrogation posés sur la réelle signification de ce qui se passe à l’intérieur…

    Harry Steed

  5. swan_pr says:

    weta: thank you 🙂

    dave: when all else fails me, Led Zep alsways seems to hold some kind of answer.

    moonwart: lust. yeah, the aftermath.

    harry: c’en est effectivement. sur ça, et aussi sur les résultats que certaines réponses pourraient entrainer.

  6. Chris says:

    Great post! It reminded me of something my 8th Grade jazz band teacher taught us. Without silence between the notes, the notes themselves are meaningless.

    My Blog

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