Dilaudid, man

Morphine induced creativity…

My Tyler Durden is acting out. I have an urge to punch her in the face and tell her to shut up, just shut the fuck up for a damn minute. Could be lack of sleep too. Or that fucking migraine that’s been trying to make my brain explode for the last two days.

Dilaudid pulverized between my teeth, now melting on my tongue…

My thoughts are my company. They have a certain individuality and separate existence, aye, personality. Having by chance recorded a few disconnected thoughts and then brought them into juxtaposition, they suggest a whole new field in which it was possible to labor and to think. Thought begat thought.

– Henry David Thoreau

Now, Tyler Durden makes so much more sense.

Noises receeding. Edges smoothing (smooth font edge). Soft keys. I always liked that one, soft keys. Is there such a thing as a keyboard with soft rubber keys? That must be fun.

Not that I want to go against everything, and rebel against all conventions. But why are people so afraid of their thoughts? Are they even allowing themselves to think, really think about things. I find it hard to relate to people mostly because of that. I just know. They haven’t thought. Why not shut up once in a while and listen? There’s a lot going on inside. Ignoring it will not make it go away (wow, that’s an original statement).

The fucking blankness in their eyes. I tell them. It’s not about having a social conscience or a political opinion. Not about thinking about your addictions and why your marriage failed. Beyond that. After the self improvement shit. Where does your mind lead you? Why don’t you go there once in a while?

It seems all the conversations I have or overhear are made of premade sentences. From a tv show. Doesn’t matter the topic. Even the most educated or cultivated. Just fill in the names, the places, the books or the movies. Some will talk only about bands in the top 10, some only about the most obscure. Same shit to me. Same speech. Same story.

Where do you want to go from here? Knowing this is as far as you are willing to go, where’s your motivation to live? Aren’t you curious, aren’t you intrigued? And faced with the possiblity that there is more to this, why are you afraid? Why not embrace your thoughts? Why not question everything?

4 thoughts on “Dilaudid, man”

  1. mARTin says:

    Question everything!

    That’s what everybody should do in order to evolve…

    But you’re right… It’s too damn hard for most of people who enjoy life as it is… They prefer the comfort… The statu quo

    I say Fuck Martha Stewart. Martha’s polishing the brass on the Titanic. It’s all going down, man. So fuck off with your sofa units and Strinne green stripe patterns.

  2. swan_pr says:

    hahaha!!! yessss. j’adore cette ligne!

  3. Stephaine says:

    If I don’t know I can’t be held accountable.

    I hate blank stares.

  4. swan_pr says:

    stephaine: now here is the dilemma. deal with it, or pretend that you don’t notice it. but as the day goes by, and you’re given more and more of them, it gets harder.

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