
Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription… is more cowbell!

Click here for Maximum Cowbell!!!


5 thoughts on “PARTAY!”

  1. Have a heap of cowbell and get better.
    (assuming this is a real autobiographical post!a)

  2. bibi says:


  3. swan_pr says:

    weta: for a change… :p you gotta love the cowbell! it’s the answer to all our ills!

    bibi: you need more cowbell!

  4. mARTin says:

    You know what… You influenced my life again this morning… You have no idea how much this simple post has put me on the right track for something completely unrelated… 🙂 The second I heard Don’t fear the reaper on that page you directed us to… I remembered a dream I had and… Anyways, I won’t go into too much details…

    Thanks for everything Swan…
    Merci d’exister!

  5. swan_pr says:

    martin: cowbell will do that to you! don’t thank me, thank the cowbell 😉

    glad you found your way here.

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