No matter how I looked at it, the height stayed.
A thousand hours spend thinking about how and why and is this really necessary.
A millions words, not meant to harm, not meant to push away.
Thrown before me, in the hopes that they would dissapear.
But they floated. They waited. Watched me as I pondered how badly I needed to jump.
There is no other side. No invisible bridge that will take me across the gulf.
Only… I still hoped you see?
All my Words, waiting for me. Like smiling demons. Like crying angels.
And as I jumped I put my hands up in the air.
They couldn’t figure out if I was reaching out or giving up.
So they watched me fall.
And I watched them watch.
One day I’m sure I’ll reach the bottom.
I don’t know when, I haven’t looked down yet.
Y a pas de fond. Seulement des nuages à percer par de merveilleux sauts en avant. Le reste n’est que peur ou regret.
Up down turn around … its all the same?? But hey, isn’t it the journey that counts. I smiled out loud at the image of words as little demons or angels.
perrasite: on part de très haut alors. est-ce tomber ou vivre?
glenn: yes, a journey, never alone. Images and Words our lights 🙂
Like smiling demons. Like crying angels.
Parfois un parfois l’autre mais ils sont une telle libération de l’esprit. Super le nouveau look et j’adore ton courant actuel!
j-julie: tu as tout à fait raison 🙂 merci beaucoup pour les compliments, c’est gentil!