
Saying goodbye… to a pile of shit. 


12 thoughts on “Goodbye”

  1. DAVE says:

    What’s goign on?

  2. swan_pr says:

    I admit this was confusing… only goodbye to the pile 🙂

  3. Bibi says:

    I’m a woman so I read what you wrote above the drawing before taking a look at it. So… I clearly understood what you were waving goodbye at.

    I’m curious though; was your pile o’ shit made out of things or thoughts?

  4. Chris says:

    Goodbye to the flies and maggots as well!

    Whoever he/she/it was, he/she/it doesn’t deserve you.

    My Blog

  5. swan_pr says:

    bibi: don’t be so hard on Dave. I edited the post after his comment! he would’ve read, believe me. because that’s the kind of person he is. by the way, the pile was made of all kinds of things. yes, thoughts, and a few body parts.

    chris: you’re right! damn hangers on… you know, the hardest part is to convince myself of that… it’s easier to blame myself than to think that. that garbage truck will need to come back though. the yard is not empty. thank you.

  6. DAVE says:

    Swan, I apologize for the rudeness that follows but it needs to be said, by me anyway.

    Oh Bibi, your misandry is probably why you are sad and lonely. Because you’re a woman bla bla bla and the entire feminist holier than thou act is all bullshit. Ever wonder why, while editing your endless rants on being sexually frustrated, you can’t find a good man to fuck you good and proper? Probably because the good men are smart enough to stay the fuck away from you.

    You, on your blog, whine and whine about being lonely but look at the contempt you hold for men. Any man in his right mind can see right past your big blue eyes, the cleavage and your terminal horniness and see that it’s better to cut and run.

    You make snarky remarks and when you are called on it, you claim humor as a defense and you can do it again but you are disgraceful and distasteful. You just had to ruin the pleasure of visiting Swan’s blog with your reprehensible attitude.

  7. Chad says:


    Thanks for posting such wonderful comments to slander a gender. If we replaced the word men with blacks, jews, hispanics does it not make the comment quite politically incorrect? Since we slander men in general in the mass media, why not make barbie doll comments about it here? Uhm not appreciated.

    Quickly glancing at your blog I’ve noticed that you are in your mid 30s. I assume from the other comments here you are still single. Oh how do I spell out what soceity teaches us to believe? Oh quite simple, I just type like this.

    “Past your prime, past men’s wishes, alone and old you will grow…Start acquiring cats now, so you’ll never trully be alone…There’s always Mr. Mittens when you need a hug…”

    If you are looking for an acceptated hate group to join your battle sisters please visit


  8. swan_pr says:

    I’d love to read a rebuttal…

  9. bibi says:

    Sorry I forgot to put LOLL LOLL WINK LOLL LOLL WINK in my previous comment because I meant it as a JOKE. Something that now seems to not be tolerated here anymore.

    Désolée Swan d’avoir oublié de spécifier que c’était une blague et d’avoir causé ces emmerdes. Je vais quitter ton blogue sur la pointe des pieds en te remerciant pour tes merveilleux billets, ta plume magnifique que j’ai vraiment fort appréciée. Ne plus revenir car je serais tenté de commenter et, je ne voudrais pas à nouveau fâcher tes lecteurs avec mon humour cru de looser/collectionneuse de chats.

    N’abandonne jamais l’écriture car tu as un don incroyable. Ciao!

  10. swan_pr says:

    bibi, dave, chad…

    I will not start to moderate comments. everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and you can express it wherever you want.

    however, I love you both (chad, stop lurking and I might like you too!). and would hate to see either one of you go. I won’t get involved though.

    I do not “tolerate” any one. every one is free to come and go. you are welcome here and I’m happy when you come and sad when you don’t.

    bibi, an opinion was expressed. if you don’t agree, you can say so. but to see you go would really sadden me.

  11. Chad says:

    I lurk everywhere. I have a new web scanner that picks up new blogging posts related to the following;

    Just kidding of course. I just don’t see how racism/sexism can be followed with a WINK WINK *cuddles*, hehe I’m cute, isn’t it funny?

    It isn’t, it’s distasteful. The appropiate thing would be to apologize…but always the ‘injured innoncent’ or always the ‘victim’ never the ‘responsable’.

    Nice trend.

    By the way, swan_pr… Nice blog I’m happy I found it recently 🙂

  12. swan_pr says:

    chad: I agree about the trend, about the negative image of men that’s being propagated by the media and women in general. I’m happy you like it here, you’re always welcome. now, I still have bit of lurking to do 😉

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