I think…

I might make it. Soon.

Thank you for your comments. 

They gave, give me strenght. 

This space here, in a year has brought me to face many emotions. Many events.

But the real thing, life, is the most powerful and painful miror of them all. 

4 thoughts on “I think…”

  1. Veronica says:

    Facing emotions, the real thing…
    I don’t know what’s goin gon, but I know I’m here for you.
    I’m glad you might make it soon.

  2. DAVE says:

    Perhaps this is the test

  3. swan_pr says:

    Veronica: thank you for being here. I know. it is a connection like this that give me wind sometimes. to not forget that despite our islands, we are part of the same earth and somewhere our soils are touching.

    dave: perhaps I will pass it this time.

  4. j-julie says:

    Je t’écoute, raconte moi l’histoire, celle qui s’en vient, celle qui rend le bonheur. Regarde toujours vers l’horizon, oubli tes pas 😉

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