Missing comment (and technical issues)

Someone left a comment on my last post but it ended up in the Akismet spam trap. I deleted it by mistake, having skimmed the content of the spam I had this morning.

So whoever you are, I'm sorry. Please repost… please?



And… My VERY gracious host Franky at Am I Famous Now has been battleling vicious spam bots lately, and also somewhat overloading the server for a few experiments… SO. Thank you for your patience while attempting to access this site, and thank you Franky for understanding my panic attack 😉

12 thoughts on “Missing comment (and technical issues)”

  1. franky says:

    And it really is bugging all the sh*t out of me too, obviously there are other problems I haven’t been able to track down yet.
    And as soon as I have some more time we will move to another host.
    Sorry about that.

    (PS for ll the others: Yes we all have our experiences, I have already decided the hoster -I already have 3 servers there- but thank you for the much loved advice anyway)

  2. swan_pr says:

    I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass this must be for you. and thank you very much again for you time. you rock x

    ps: no I’m not sucking up! if you haven’t been to Franky’s site, you won’t know. he really does rock!

  3. franky says:

    Actually I just moved my personal stuff to another domain. 😛
    AIFN will turn into another boring web watch dog. 😉

  4. swan_pr says:

    ahahaaaaa Franky, I love youuuuuu! I love it! Now a question of etiquette… x (will add link tonight)

  5. DAVE says:

    ZOMG U accidentaly deleted a comment… the world will come to an end 😉

  6. swan_pr says:

    well excuse me for caring!!! 😉

  7. DAVE says:

    It’s like cosmic karma…. all my domains are now down 🙁

  8. swan_pr says:

    kidding… I’m just kidding 🙂 I know, it sucks… sorry x

  9. tony says:

    akismet c’est bien, mais il faut le combiner à Bad Behaviour: le spam de commentaires disparaît presque…
    l’essayer c’est l’adopter.

  10. swan_pr says:

    on m’avait conseillé ça quand j’ai migré de blogspot à WP, mais je n’avais presque pas de spam au début, alors je ne l’ai pas fait. et puis les bots m’ont trouvée… merci de me le rappeler! c’est tout de même dommage pour le commentaire perdu…

  11. franky says:

    Temporarily moved.
    New hoster still to come tho in some weeks… errr… make that spring 😛

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