I should just turn it off


“Somehow, I’ve always been grateful to the men who liked me. Thinking, they could easily find better. There is better than me out there”

sums it up, pretty much.

I shouldn’t watch tv. It fucking brings me down.

Amongst other issues I’m trying to work on… Unstable self esteem. Emotional dependency. Impostor syndrome. Food addiction. Poor sense of responsibility.

There is nothing, no one to convince me I’m wrong. Not today.

It’s all inside, don’t you understand? An intellectual anorexia. What is perceived and what is felt do not meet. The already fragile bridge gave way around ten thirty. It just happened, at the end of a sentence. It’s not such a bad place. Familiar to say the least.

Yet, I don’t feel stranded anymore. I know this is not an island.

6 thoughts on “I should just turn it off”

  1. DAVE says:

    I’ll fucking try anyway.

    You cannot compare yourself to others, how can you? where is Swan to begin with? That’s a deeper issue. But where does one begin to compare the quality of women? The quantity of variables are myriad and boggles the mind.

    And the problem with people with your level of intellect is that they can find a dent in anything.

    unfortunately, during my lunch break, that’s the best I can do. 🙂

  2. swan_pr says:

    as insightful as always. if I can find a dent in anything, surely I can find a way to see beyond this. understand the meaning of said dents… I know that everything starts right here, inside. that comparisons are only a diversion. then again, as I said, this is a familiar place. comfortable. easy to justify. but I’ve come a long way. and this place stinks. I’m not sticking around.

    thank you Dave.

  3. Lyne says:

    Hi Swan,

    I have a suggestion, If I may..The Secret book by Rhonda Byrne..I am reading you often but never leave comments as you are not very comfortable with those…

    Lyne from l’Arrière Boutique d’Innée.

  4. swan_pr says:

    lyne, merci pour tes visites et ton commentaire. ils sont toujours les bienvenus et j’y répond lorsque approprié ou nécessaire.

    j’ai juste pas envie d’avoir une vie sociale dans mes commentaires. les liens qui s’y tissent sont souvent aussi forts qu’éphémères, et à mon sens n’ont l’importance que du billet, de son propos et des idées qu’il génère.

    plus que ça, si le besoin ou l’envie est là, je préfère échanger avec les gens par email, msn ou en personne. simple choix personel.

    pour le secret, une amie m’a prêté le dvd, et je ne l’ai toujours pas regardé. j’ai beaucoup de misère avec ces trucs. j’y vois des patterns, les lignes toutes faites. ça me rapelle l’engouement pour la prophétie des andes et lâcher prise. j’hésite encore à le regarder. mais merci quand même pour la suggestion 🙂

  5. Lyne says:

    Je te pige, Swan…Parfois, ce genre de bouquins nous allume tout simplement pas…Pis, c’est ben correct…

    Merci de me répondre..


  6. DAVE says:

    Yer Welcome.

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