Life is taking over

More than ever I feel the languages clashing, coming together. It wasn’t anything I studied, worked on, planned. The words just flowed, and I was the vessel, I was telling.

The biggest this, biggest that. The darkest places, the harshest judgment. Entranced by the depths I had ignored. Immersed in the I feel moment.

This, now, should be the crest of the wave then. I hear. I see. I breath.

10 thoughts on “Life is taking over”

  1. Crunchy Weta says:

    Hija Swan , I’m still reading but seems my life is taki ng over my time of late…cheers Glenn

  2. Crunchy Weta says:

    Hija Swan , I’m still reading but seems my life is taki ng over my time of late…cheers Glenn

  3. Crunchy Weta says:

    Hija Swan , I’m still reading but seems my life is taki ng over my time of late…cheers Glenn

  4. Crunchy Weta says:

    Hija Swan , I’m still reading but seems my life is taki ng over my time of late…cheers Glenn

  5. Crunchy Weta says:

    Hija Swan , I’m still reading but seems my life is taki ng over my time of late…cheers Glenn

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