it IS in the littlest of things

I think

That I am afraid to write

Sitting here, typing these very words, I stop at each one, pondering about them, and their meaning, too much. A billboard, nothing more, you said. And it pains me to agree, but what else can I say? It's true.

Our digital self intertwined with our soul, our most intimate information entered in searchable and sortable fields, I wonder how thinly I can stretch the truth so that it makes sense and still does not reveal too much.

Years ago, I would've typed my mind's torments away without a second thought. And now… I feel like I've given up. Given up the faith, the trust in myself. I forgot that no matter what, if there is one thing I am free to do it is to write, because I have locked away that sense of freedom very far away and lost the key.

I feel pain whenever I pick at the lock. And that is probably the most frightening of all.

But all is not lost. I'll keep picking. Bloody fingers, weeping mind… the sun still fucking shines babe.

I think

It's in the little things

I think that

I am just beginning to understand what being free means

3 thoughts on “it IS in the littlest of things”

  1. McComber says:

    No hablo ingles, but you also rock in Hem's idiom.

  2. Manon says:

    Ah! Tu me donnes des frissons.
    Et. Ce même, si je ne comprends jamais tout quand tu wrote in enneglishe!
    Love XX

  3. swan_pr says:

    c'est moi qui a des frissons là… goddamn, Éric. merci.
    Manon, je le sais que dans le fond, tu capich rien qu'en masse 🙂 xxx

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