Fickle fickle

I’m at work. The fact that I can be here and do this, and read blogs and read GNN.TV and chat with friends, work a total of 35 hours in my week, and be very well paid bothers me. I rarely keep a job for more than 2 years. After the novelty has gone, and people show their real (stinking lying) face, I leave. Or another company grabs me.

Fuck security, fuck the pension plan, fuck the insurance coverage. I hate it here. The WOMEN… and my boss too. I was promised a bunch of things when they hired me. Nothing has happened, and that irritates me. But for everything that is going on here, the one thing that I can’t stand anymore is the people. The rest I could deal with. And I don’t think it’s worth fighting in this case. I’m the one who doesn’t fit in. And I can live with that.

So starting today I will start looking. No haste. It might take a few days, weeks, months, it’s ok. I don’t care, as long as I know that I won’t stay here. Some people have been working here for more than 20 years. I don’t understand that. 20 years??? There’s this woman, all she does all day is to take off staples from stacks of papers and run the papers through a scanner, and re-staple the stack. 8 hours a day, for 4 years now. Can you imagine this? I can’t. I’d be dead inside.

I could go on and on, but at this point I even bore myself with all this shit. At least it’s Friday.

5 thoughts on “Fickle fickle”

  1. Spyder says:

    Yeah Friday !!! 🙂

  2. Carmo says:

    GREAT TUNE!! I love DJ Shadow!!!

  3. swan_pr says:

    spyder: yeah, I know, you and your Fridays… 😉

    carmo: thank you 🙂 I do too, although I must admit, I discovered him only a few months ago, and by accident… I’m glad I did.

  4. Angel! says:

    J’appelle ça “le syndrôme du monsieur macaroni”: Ces personnes gardent le même job emmerdant pendant des années car ce job n’exige pas d’eux qu’ils utilisent leur cerveau. Et, ils bouffent le même ostie de sandwiche à chaque jour, mois après mois, année après année. Et, le lundi soir c’est le pâté chinois, le mardi soir c’est le macaroni à la viande, blablabla, une routine ennuyante voire mortelle pour des personnes comme toi et moi.

    On refuse d’être “enmoulé” comme tous les autres et à cause de ça, on est pointé du doigt comme étant les bizarroïdes de la place.

    Désolée pour ce long commentaire et bonne recherche d’emploi.

  5. swan_pr says:

    t’as pas à être désolée… et t’as tout à fait raison! fait chier à la fin… dans le fond c’est eux les weird. moi je nous trouve tout à fait normales!

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