
Thanks to my very illegal copies of pretty much everything on this computer, I’ve spent the last 6 hours sitting here, fixing my mistakes. Major, major losses. But at least I’m online, yes, safely. This is not the first time it happens. Am I considering actually buying software? No. Unless it comes with the next machine I buy.


Woke up with the headache from hell, not even because I was hungover. Just because. What I really needed today was a deep muscle massage, head, neck, shoulders, back. Yeah, right, like that’s going to happen. I don’t even ask for it. I did what I could myself.

Sometimes I think if I could’ve had more kids I would’ve. Then they invite some friends over, and man am I glad I didn’t.


Bought some books lately, and also went to the librairy. I have 3 going on at the same time. I can’t concentrate. Half the cycle is here. Yes, ovulation, then a few days off, then all hell will break loose. Right at the start of our trip to Colombia. Poor them…

One thought on “Migraines”

  1. Stephaine says:

    ovulation is a bitch.

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