
And let me stay
I can be small
I can be invisible
But let me stay


I’m so tense these days, I can’t stand still. I blog for a while, then move to the couch to read a few pages, then go tidy up the kitchen, then come back to the computer, then watch some tv. Spin cycle. Yet everything is a mess.


Fickle. Too many pulls. Not enough will. Even this post tears me apart. A mountain of words. Can’t seem to settle for one. I want to say, write, sing, chant, whisper, implore for fuck’s sake. I belong here. I belong here.


It’s not block. It’s confusion. About every single stupid decision I’ve made. I’m not second guessing myself all the time. But I feel like I forgot something at the crossroads. Nothing, no one can bring it back for me. Because every one has moved on. What’s left behind is my bad judgement.


I’m hungry. Again. Always. I have to be fed.

6 thoughts on “Broadcast”

  1. Hey well bad judgement is best left behind. (knit one purl one)

  2. swan_pr says:

    a very long scarf is what it looks like.

  3. kono says:

    you should start hitting the drums.

    it’s totally fun.

  4. Well!ça en jette de commencer en anglais mais ma modeste compréhension de la langue m’oblige à un commentaire vague car,… qu’ai-je compris… Toujours est-il qu’il y a ces moments d’insatisfaction colèrique qui nous poussent à la dispersion et rien ne semble achever…

    Harry Steed

  5. swan_pr says:

    Harry, vous avez saisi tout ce qu’il y avait à saisir.

    j’ai aimé mon exercice de traduction. je ne le ferais pas à chaque billet, mais ce fut intéressant 🙂

    si quelque chose vous échappe, quelques mots que vous aimeriez voir traduits, n’hésitez pas à me le demander (par mail ou commentaires, votre choix). ça me fera plaisir. absolument.

  6. Chris says:

    I love reading your thoughts, knowing that I am not the only confused person out there.

    My Blog

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