Out of it, for a little while

Two hundred and fifty posts (well, that one is 251 but whatever). Two hundred and fifty pieces of my life I offered this space, to be read maybe. To stay alive that’s for sure.

Some posts I still can’t read. Some I wish I hadn’t written. Some I thought of deleting many times. Some I think another person wrote, because I can’t remember ever writing them.

(Here should be a paragraph about the pain, the shit, the sadness that I was feeling most of the time and how it inspired me. And how being happy scares me because I’m afraid I won’t be able to write about that, I’m afraid that I need to suffer to be myself. But I won’t write this paragraph because it’s bullshit.)

The fuel I was using has dried up. Gone. Not one drop left. And I have not felt that good in a long time. Fossile fuel is the past. Solar? Electric? Ethanol? Doesn’t matter. All I know is that it’s still here. The need, the drive, the hunger, the pleasure of writing.

That’s it. I just wanted to say this: at this very moment, I feel good.

9 thoughts on “Out of it, for a little while”

  1. Dave says:

    Good for you! You deserve it.

  2. N’est-ce pas là le principal…

    Harry Steed

  3. quand je me relis..j’ai aussi l’impression que c’est quelqu’un d’autres qui a ecrit..mais y a quelques semaines j’etais quelqu’un d’autre!!! aussi on change continuellement, cellule par cellule les gens changent

  4. swan_pr says:

    weta: I do, I do! thank you 🙂

    dave: thanks. enjoying the flash.

    harry: absolument, finalement. il s’agit de l’accepter.

    freedom: t’as raison!

  5. mARTin says:

    Maybe your hair has something to do with it… 🙂

    Sometimes, believe me, you’ll miss that good spot on the sofa… But DON’T!!!

    I’m proud of you for what you have been, I’m proud of you for what you are and I’m proud of you for what you will be. We all are.

    Take good care of yourself.

  6. swan_pr says:

    martin: thanks. really. the sofa is quite far right now. feels great. merci beaucoup 🙂

  7. Stephaine says:

    Why is writing so hard when one is okay?

  8. swan_pr says:

    so true. should I assume you’ve been doing terrific in the last couple of months?? 😉

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