Black, Swan




All around, in a pool of bones, whispers of tired skin.

I fold. I bend. I slip under everything.

Could my blood reach the stream?

5 thoughts on “Black, Swan”

  1. Glenn says:

    Beautiful poem. Would love to see the picture negative!

  2. Perrasite says:

    Excellent !
    Simple, court, punché, efficace.

  3. Jack says:

    Yesterday you adressed to me a question. Let me give a translation of that, not necessary an answer. Est-ce que la vivacité de l’expression (dans l’écriture) ne l’emporte pas sur la volonté de dialoguer? Actually, I dont’have a lot to add. We simply walk and walk and talk. But, you know, today I read an abstract of Jane Hirshfield (After) and I wanted share with you this cita-
    tion:”Words are not the end of thought, they are where it begins”. Par extension, on pourrait suggérer que l’expression, flamboyante ou non, trouvant ses destinataires ou pas, reste le premier pas qui conduit à l’autre… Maybe just a little snap to the stream…

  4. Chris says:

    You have such an efficiency with words. Many say so much less with much more words. You rock.

    My Blog

  5. swan_pr says:

    glenn: thank you 🙂 I considered using a negative of the image. but I liked it this way better. shows both sides.

    perrasite: merci 🙂

    Jack: thank you for your comment. I appreciate that line of thinking. however, I like the use of the words to take the thoughts further as well. there’s no start and finish. a stream, exactly.

    Chris: I found it hard to let this go, post it as is. I felt like it wasn’t enough. but couldn’t find anything else to add. thank you for your input (and ego boosting compliments :p ).

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