My angels, my devils

Fucked. In trouble. Under pressure. Tired. Disturbed. Lost. Used. Starved.

However, I realize that these states are mostly self inflicted. I haven't eaten since noon today. I went to bed at 3am last night, even though I have to get up at 6.45 every morning. I wait till the last minute to take care of things. I dance on the edge of irresponsibility. 

I walk up to my thoughts and confront them every day. I'm not afraid. Only, am I overthinking? Question everything, bla bla bla. What good is it, what does it bring me other than doubt? Other than the constant fucking nagging of my better judgement? I choose to get eaten. I choose to ignore. I choose to jump. But not without thinking. And that is what makes it harder to accept.

Granted, some things I decided to be blind about. But most of my bad decisions and bouts of self hatred I welcome, I expect, I will. Consciously. Why do I choose to hurt myself? I cannot believe that 35 years have gone, and I still have so little respect for myself. So little love. 


All that thinking also brings out good stuff. I'm feeling better today than I have in months. It started a little while ago, and every step I make, I know I'm moving ahead.

Allowing myself pleasure in moments. Letting go of very heavy baggage. Expressing my thoughts out loud. Being. Like I've always wanted to be, whole, together. I'm not even half way there. But the mileage is permanent.

Making a conscious effort to live by what I think about. Not believe, not my convictions. I don't think I have any, or so little. Whether it's socially acceptable or not. What does that mean anyway? What one deems acceptable might be objectionable to another.

Out of 50 bad moves, I made 5 good ones today. Aiming for 6 tomorrow. And still manage to have a little fun while being bad.

10 thoughts on “My angels, my devils”

  1. DAVE says:

    “Being bad feels good huh?” – Bender (Breakfast Club)

  2. DAVE says:

    mmm just had a RUSH flashback….

    Where would you rather be?
    Anywhere but here
    When will the time be right?
    Anytime but now

    On the edge of sleep,
    I was driting for half the night
    Anxious and restless,
    Pressed down by the darkness
    Bound up and wound up so tight
    So many decisions, a million revisions
    Caught between and light…

    Wilderness of mirrors
    World of polished steel
    Gears and iron chains
    Turn the grinding wheel
    I run between the shadows
    Some are phantoms, some are real

    Where would you rather be?
    Anywhere but here
    When will the time be right?
    Anytime but now
    The doubt and the fear
    I know would all disappear
    Anywhere but here

    On the edge of sleep,
    I heard voices behind the door
    The known and the nameless,
    Familiar and faceless
    My angels and my demons at war
    Which one will lose — depends on what i choose
    Or maybe which voice i ignore…

    Wilderness of mirrors
    Streets of cold desire
    My precious sense of honor
    Just a shield of rusty wire
    I hold against the chaos —
    And the cross of holy fire

    Wilderness of mirrors
    So easy to deceive
    My precious sense of rightness
    Is sometimes so naive
    So that which i imagine
    Is that which i believe

    On the edge of sleep, i awoke to a sun so bright
    Rested and fearless, cheered by your nearness
    I knew which direction was right
    The case had been tried by the jury inside
    The choice between darkness and light…

  3. Vraiment intéressant ce texte. Quelle lucidité tranquile et paisible flottant au-dessus de l’orage !
    Oui, il fait bon se retrouver dans l’oeil du cyclone.

  4. F says:

    Bah. I know. J’ai aussi 35 ans. Je joue à l’autruche sometimes pour étirer les moments de peau-à-peau. Les moments d’oasis. Ce qui rends léger le coeur d’une maman. C’qui me rends more eazy à vivre les hard intempéries. Les jours sangs.


    Have a nice day. (je sai pas si j’ai bien compris tout. Je suis pas trop bonne en anglais. Mais c’est mon feeling par rapport à ce que j’ai pu bien comprendre!

    Sea you xx

  5. swan_pr says:

    Dave: thanks for the lyrics. always to the point. you rock! and yes, it does 😉

    Perrasiste resiste: belle typo… on s’attache à son cyclone. le beau fixe, c’est fucking plate.

    F: peaux et oasissss. t’as bien saisi. c’est du dialecte d’hormones trentenaire. merci, toi si :)x

  6. jodi says:

    I do have to say, this is upbeat…underneath and inbetween!
    Love the fact(the motion) that you took it and observed the good!
    We too frequently forget all of the good and focus on the bad…Seeking and pondering when all the good slips away!

  7. j-julie says:

    aoutch, aoutch et aoutch… Je commence aussi à sentir qques rayons à travers la grisaille.

  8. swan_pr says:

    jodi: thank you. it is a hard process. and I love the gloom, so it is a breakthrough in itself.

    j-julie: good for you. faut pas avoir peur. bon retour 🙂

  9. Chris says:

    This isn’t negative, because you pulled it out on the last line, going for 6 tomorrow.

    You seem so smart and deep, that it is hard to believe you don’t have a great self esteem. Until I remember that I have heard so many people say the exact same thing to me.

    My Blog

  10. swan_pr says:

    chris: is it doubt that breeds thought, or the other way around? we think alot you and I. we question, and try to make ourselves better. part of my line of thinking here is that I have to accept my weaker and wilder sides and understand that these do not make me a bad person.

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