la gâzette

In this post I told you about an email I got from Steve Faguy.

Well… It’s in! Go have a look for yourselves!

This stirs up a whole lot of funny feelings. First, I don’t write in English so much anymore. And really, there are no reasons for it. It just happened. Although I think it’s coming back to me. Second, my anonymity.

In the last few months, I’ve opened up more than I’ve ever have. And came to accept that whatever I do, whatever I’m going through, this blog has been and is, all that I really am. Nowhere else have I been able to think, feel, and really look at myself the way I have here.

My tracks are less and less covered. The way I see it, if I was able to put it here, or anywhere else on the net, I have to live up to it. Or down. And so, through some funny means, the children came to know about this blog. And it was a wonderful moment. Of understanding and acceptance and we had a very open conversation about personal feelings and emotions. And also, about perception…

I want to thank Steve for the way he introduced this blog, in the Gazette and on his blog. I am more than flattered and truly touched. It’s quite something to have another’s point of view on your own personal thought. And it could not have been done better.

Now Dave… I’m sorry to say, this is putting me in a state of over analyzing… Beware!

3 thoughts on “la gâzette”

  1. DAVE says:

    Here’s some analysis though. Everyone who gets profiled in Montreal papers that are in my feeds are all women. The men never get profiled. I’m beginning to see a pattern here I think!

  2. Meth says:

    Wow! seldom does a blog gets such a tribute, that’s for sure – J’ai toujours admiré ta constance et ta fidélité dans la bloggosphère, ton talent bien entendu, et voilà, je crois, c’était ton karma d’être ainsi récompensée!!! BRAVO!

  3. Veronica says:

    I am so impressed. And I can understand the emotions that follow.
    I’m so glad it was in English. Lately it’s been sad for me that I can’t read you. It would be even sadder if I couldn’t read ABOUT you either.

    Best to you always. Always.

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