Tagged! 15 questions

It’s been a while since I’ve been tagged. And thanks to Dave, here I am obliging happily!

1-Grab the closest book to you, go to page 18 and write down the 4th line :
“Then I’m on display,” Piter said. “Shall I dance? Shall I

2- Whats the last thing you saw on TV
The Habs last night

3- Other than the sound of your computer, what else can you hear?
RDS on TV, the fridge

4- Last time you went out, what did you do?
Didn’t drink enough, kissed a lot, laughed with friends au Boud.

5- What are you wearing?
Jeans, my favorite sweater (blue V-Neck from American Eagle)

6- Whats on the walls in the room you are in?
A charcoal drawing my paternal grand mother did in the 60’s, dried butterflies and flowers my maternal grand mother she received as a wedding gift in the 40’s.

7- What’s strange about today?
The kids asked to watch The Exorcist (!), they did.

8- Whats the last Movie you saw?
The Exorcist

9- Tell us something we don’t know:
I felt bad for the lamp in that Ikea commercial a few years back

10- Do you like dancing?
Yes. Unfortunately

11- If you had a daughter, what would her name be?
Already have one. She’s happy with her name.

12- If you had a son, what would her name be?
See 11.

13- Ever thought of living abroad?
Seriously, no. Fantasize yes.

14- What would you like GOD to tell you when you crossed the pearly gates?
Who’s he? Is he on Facebook?

15- Mouhahaha, there is not question 15, mouhahaha!
Can I has cheesburger?

Oh… I forgot to tag…

Ok.  Anyone who wants to play… Unless I change my mind and come back here to add some name.

3 thoughts on “Tagged! 15 questions”

  1. DAVE ID says:

    lolcat humor? 😀 And I thought I spent way to much time on the interwebs.

    And don’t worry, I think everybody felt bad for the lamp. That’s called brilliant marketing 😀

  2. swan_pr says:

    Dave, you don’t know the half of it… I even have favorite series (the oh hai! and the invisibles) :s loll!

    and so true about the Ikea add!

  3. DAVE ID says:

    Yes The invisibles are hilarious I sheepishly admit.

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