A while ago…

(More than a while actually, more like years) I wrote this. Doesn’t mean much, I just like the rythm.

I want to apologize. Someone said to me once that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Still I don’t feel weaker now than I did before, and no more than I will later. But really, I want to apologize. What about you ask me? About a lot of things. But most of them don’t have anything to do with this, so let’s stick to the facts…I apologize right now, because I know that I’ll deceive you, one way or another. You’ll be doing fine, reading along, enjoying the story that’s told upon these pages, when it will hit you. Bang! You’ve been deceived. Now, I can’t pretend to know when that will happen, but rest assured, it will.

The next question to come to your mind now is probably this one: Why? Why will I deceive you? Because I can’t help myself. When everything is upsy-daisy, I’m bound to find a way to deceive even the truest believer. That being said, I feel comfortable telling you right away that you’ll read this story ’till the end, because as sure as I am that I’ll deceive you, I know that I’ll entertain you. That’s another thing about me, I’m entertaining.

Does that make me special? You tell me.

4 thoughts on “A while ago…”

  1. This does’nt make you special..it just makes you mmm….you. Apologizing is a sign of recognition…caring…responsibility and strength because you don’t care if you are wrong. Did I read it to the end…yup..because I was bored..and yes it was interesting.

  2. Veronica says:

    Swan_pr, in your own lucid and painfully personal way, you’ve just explained ghost writing.
    Right down to how much you’ve left out.
    I’m right there.

  3. Stephaine says:

    I’d rather be deceived to death than bored to death.

  4. swan_pr says:

    victoria: I love your definition… thanks for the comment 🙂

    veronica: what really impresses me is how much you can read into this. what I’ve left out… probably speaks loud enough.

    stephaine: you’re right, at least you were entertained…

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