I’m spiked

Tonight I watched TV for 4 hours straight. Something I haven't done in months. Maybe even a year. Two CSI's (I got Spike tv for me, I love that channel. I know, I know! I get UFC whenever I feel like it, isn't that great?) The simpsons, South Park then I flipped between the news and Criss Angel Mindfreak. CSI rules, period. Grissom is God. Criss Angel? I can't separate his act from David Blaines stuff. And his look is just ridiculous.

I'm ashamed to say this, but I've finished only two books of the 12 or so that I've started since this summer. I used to read two or three a week. Today I read during my break at work. And while eating lunch.

Today I had KFC for lunch and felt like shit for hours. But I enjoyed the food.

Today I left work early drove around my (small) town to look for "For Rent" signs. Then came back home and slept for two hours.

Today I thought, bite marks are ok now.

Today I realized that tomorrow could be like that too. And the next day. And the next.


Drawn maps

I would like to forget. Forget when, why.  Forget who I've become. The paths I've taken. But these paths, these choices are forever sculpted in my flesh. Not really a burden, as they bear no weight. Rather a basso-rilievo, a map drawn on crumpled paper. No way to forget. Only to look back and understand. Try to.

There is no big red arrow telling me "you are here", but I have a good idea of where I'm standing. It's the now that bothers me. The then is where it belongs, in the past. The now doesn't take me anywhere, it grounds me. Why is it that we always either look back or ahead? Why is it that the now get so little of our attention? 

Often I will say "we always have a choice". And even though I believe this to be absolutely true, I've come to despise its meaning. It's not about regret for making a certain choice. It's about looking back and seeing how these choices lead me here. It's not about the big one, the one at the end of a long road, but about the smaller ones, the many that we face and make in a split second. The ones we think inconsequential.

Hindsight is a bitch.



Quand j'étais petite, mon monde c'était la musique, les pochettes de disques, les livres et les revues. Tout était à ma portée. Dans cette dernière catégorie, outre le Hara-Kiri (qui me terrifiait mais que je lisais tout de même de la première à la dernière page), le Mainmise est le magazine qui m'a le plus marquée.

Le premier souvenir que j'ai, le plus fort, je me vois, étendue par terre dans le salon chez G. où nous sommes en visite ma mère et moi, un tout petit salon les murs couverts de livres jusqu'à plafond. Jusqu'au plafond! La tête sur des coussins. Ça jase dans la cuisine… Le format est drôle, comme les J'aiLu (ils ont l'air plates les J'aiLu… pourtant tout le monde en a) Les pages sont épaisses, jaunes. Et je suis… déviergée? J'avais huit ans et j'en ai pris quatre d'une shot. Devenue ado le temps de lire 10 pages. C'était une bd de Crumb: Désirée Kaminski "La Droyée" dans J'crisse le camp! 

J'ai vu ma vie dans ça. J'ai tout appris. Que prendre de la droille c'est l'fun, que les vieux pervers y en a partout (les mononcles aux mains longues, les chums affectueux et les caves qui se crossent dans leur char en te demandant c'est où la rue Fleury). Comment se passe un examen gynécologique et ça m'a aussi enlevé tout le brouillard qu'il restait dans ma tête entourant le sexe.

Je viens de relire le Best of Crumb (Les Comix de Mainmise) et les deux seuls numéros que j'ai.  À la recherche d'info sur les auteurs et illustrateurs j'ai vu qu'il y a un site consacré à Mainmise! Malheureusement il n'est pas à jour et un seul numéro à été scanné et mis en ligne. Ça vaut quand même la peine d'aller jeter un coup d'oeil.

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The obvious often eludes me. Trapped in my head. Trapped in my words. Buried under layers of dust that flew out of my whirlwinds to finally rest upon what makes sense. For real. What is obvious.

Percieved responsabilities. Chris, from Inane thoughts and Insane ramblings, pointed me to the right direction from his comment on a previous post. The direction I may have been avoiding. Or the direction I just didn't know was there all along. Not that clear to me. 

I was able to dance around it. To feel it overpower me at times. For how long… When did I stop believe I was worth something, anything… When did my sense of self totally disintergrate… When did I start becoming who I thought I should be… Not because of someone, but because of what I perceived was right, expected, reasonable…

There lies the biggest responsability. Accepting that this is not anybody's fault. No one came to me with a contract, no one put a gun to my head. I. Perceived. Wrong. 

Thus cultivating that image through other people's eyes. Thus making me less tangible as a human being, more real as an image of what I should be for them. My perception. Not theirs. 

August 25th 2005. First post. First step. I can't say I've come a long way, that would be an understatement. I've been reacquainted with who was living inside but was hiding. Just standing by, watching the show, thinking she couldn't jump in, didn't fit in. Because of what she perceived.

Who needs fucking therapy when you can blog?

She, and others

I'd watch the door to see her walk in every night. She usually came in on Tuesdays and Fridays. I would wait for her to take a seat, and then change my section with another girl to work in hers.

The bingo hall seemed to come alive to me. I would walk to her and sell her cards. She would always smile and ask how I was and give me nice tips. The first time I saw her, I blushed violently and a co worker asked me what was wrong. I couldn't answer, couldn't talk. My eyes followed her across the hall and all I knew about desire was thrown out the window. I didn't know much at 15, but enough to recognize this as something I would not experience often. 

She wore a fur coat and when she'd take it off, that was the best moment of the evening. She had long brown hair, sleek and shiny. Her body was a sea of unkowns that I wanted to touch. Not a small woman. With wonderfull breasts and an ass my hands were hungry for. Once I was close enough that despite the thick layer of smoke I smelled her perfume. Ysatis.

For weeks I went to sleep fantasizing about her, her body, her skin, her mouth on mine, her hands showing me where to put mine, her voice in my ear, asking me to, telling me to. 

I will always remember her, although I forgot her name a long time ago. And through the years I've lusted after a few women without shame, but without doing anything about it.  But what I think I've learned early on is that falling in lust can be as consuming as falling in love.

That need, desire, hunger, that nothing can quench.  Lust can be as fullfilling but also as damaging as love. The loss, the end, when there is nothing to do but to part. But to feel so real, so alive, so powerful, so whole, even for a moment, can be worth the pain. Yes we are animals, yes, we aspire to higher thinking when in fact all we really want is a good fuck once in a while. And so what?

Some days I think all this is accessorial. Nothing more than instant gratification that will lead to nothing good. But that instant when eyes meet, when fingers spark fires, when everything is senses, is an instant I feel alive. Without effort life comes to me. Once in a while, I enjoy that.

Pulling out

What's funnier? Steve Martin pretending to care on SNL or Johnny Knoxville shopping a taxidermist for his grand mother? Exactly. Watched Amadeus today, with the volume way up. What happend to Tom Hulce anyway? Right now Kenny Rogers is urging me to buy the Superstars of Country Collection, for the pleasure of listening to Ray Price, Conway Twitty and Merle Haggard again and again. All digitally remastered. I could switch. There's 8 Mile on MMM.

Or I might pick up a book. Haven't read much lately, but bought books like crazy. I'm about 10 books late. A mix of noir, sci-fi, auteurs québecois and poetry. And that's not counting the comics. I am of an addictive nature. It used to be dope. Then paperbacks. Then TV. Then something else. And now I'm trying to wean myself again. But TV won't do it. Nor trash novels. Drugs are out of the question. Now I really get what cold turkey means.

I posted the Dylan song because it says so much about appreciation, acceptance of the inevitable or unavoidable. About not having regrets but embracing the past and caring for your memories. I have a choice. My past is mine. I can decide what it means to me and how I look at it in the rearview mirror. Reajusted it. Like when you let someone borrow your car and everything is out of place, out of position. Reajusted. Perfect view. Clear. My hand is on the stick. My eyes look down.  The needle moves up. Stops on D.

There was something

There was something wrong that summer.
She was drunk a lot, he was high a lot.
Too many people were sleeping over.
The music was always too loud.
Someone made me drink a glass of Tia Maria with milk.
We had a new car, a summer home, new furniture.
Something wrong.
We were three for the last time.
This is me, this was me.
I remember everything, except what I forgot.

Instant combustion

I was leaning on the washing machine. The one next to my appartment, there for the tenants to use. I was leaning on it because it was shaking so bad I thought it would just go through the wall and end up in the kitchen.

-Do you think it washes better when you hold it like that?

My heart stops. I’m 16. Everything that’s not on purpose is an embarassement.

-Ahhhh, well, no, not really, it’s just really noisy you know?

He’s smiling, turning away from me, facing his door, unlocks it, goes in. Instant combustion. I was on fire, from the embarassement of course. But mostly from seeing him. My mother had told me about him. Our appartment doors were facing each other. The new neighbor. Cute was the word she used. I didn’t have any words. I was in love. 10 seconds, a flushed face.

The following day I found a sheet music for Wrapped around your fingers lying on the floor in the hallway. It could only belong to him, since we were the only two tennants in the basement. I almost knocked, but chickened out and left it stuck in the door knob.

Later, in the evening we crossed each other. I was on my way in, him on his way out. Smile again. Flushed again.

-Thanks for the sheet, I was looking all over for it.

One big word, shooting out of my mouth at 100kmh, while looking at my shoes.

-Well, thanks anyway!
-Ok. While trying to dissapear so I don’t start to giggle or talk again.

A week or so later. I invite a few girlfriends over, we drop acid and shoot the shit. Then I say my neighbor is really cute. And all this and all that and I go to the bathroom and when I come back to the living room, the door is opened, and two of my friends are chatting up my neighbor… Shittttttt. But he’s cool, invites us over for a beer. He has a couple of his friends there too, getting ready to go out to the club. So we chat and I can see the guys are having fun with us, teasing us, thinking they’re so smart since they’re in their mid twenties and we’re in our mid teens. But Neighbor is looking at me more and more, and I can’t feel that damn acid kicking in at all. Can’t feel much, except the fire.

The guys leave, we go back to my place. Day after, I walk out the appartment. He probably heard me, cause he opens his door and invites me in. The same guys are there, and one of them is getting ready to do a tattoo on Neighbor. So we pick a design, have a few beers, and I’m in love. In love, at 16, with a 24 year old man. We exchanged numbers.

I couldn’t wait. I had to call. A couple of nights later. I asked him if I could come over to tape Pink Floyd’s the Final Cut that a friend lent me. It was mine, I was lying. Of cours Neighbor says, come on over. He knew. He knew why I was calling, knew what was going to happen. But we played innocent for a while. For about five minutes.

Time line: A month of fucking. A breakup that wasn’t one since we were not going out, since I was too young, since he didn’t love me. Three months of me crying, spying on the girls that were coming and going, of listening to the clickclicks of their high heels shoes walking from his living room to his bed room. Six months of more fucking. A breakup that wasn’t one since we were not going out, since he didn’t love me, since I couln’t take it anymore because I did. A month of silence. A phone call. A diner. Ninteen years of life together.

C’est par là

Je suis ici, ce soir, comme à tous les soirs, à me demander qu’est-ce que je fais? Qu’est-ce qui me fait peur, qu’est-ce qui me drive. Il faut que je trouve. Parce que j’ai besoin de réponses surtout. Rien de défini, rien de coulé dans le ciment, juste une direction.

Je suis ici, ce soir, comme à tous les soirs, à me dire que je devrais faire quelque chose. Que je devrais arrêter d’avoir peur de tout. De moi. De qui je deviens, ou de qui j’étais.

Je me regarde dans le mirroir et je vois ma mère. Et je suis ma mère l’espace d’un instant. Sa bouche, ses yeux, sa démarche, ses soupirs, sa voix. Mais je ne veux pas être elle. Je suis l’image. Ma tête s’infecte lentement de mes doutes.

Je me regarde dans le mirroir, et je vois qui je suis devenue. Belle, dans mes yeux, enfin. La profondeur m’a gagnée, l’âge m’a pris dans ses bras et m’a raconté tout ce que je sais maintenant.

Je suis ici, ce soir, comme à tous les soirs. Et la route s’ouvre, et le chemin se dessine, et mes pas me porteront bientôt. Rien de défini, rien de coulé dans le ciment. Juste une direction.

Sanding the edges

It was hard to write this. And it drained me. But drained a lot of shit. A lot of a lot.

I’m starting to really appreciate my tendency to dwell on some things. I dwelled… only to realize that it’s because I still had to deal. To heal. To embrace their presence in me, accept what they have brought me. What they will bring me.

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin’ on by you know how I feel

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That’s what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
-Anthony Newley, Leslie Bricusse / by Nina Simone