Oh the joy

of the cycle of the moon, the cycle of the blood

Last month I was 4 days late, now I’m 5 days early. What the fuck is my body telling me?

Get some rest, relax, let go, forget, remember, exercise, eat better, get some sleep, let GO. Of everything. It’s getting too much to bear anyway.

If I don’t leave some things behind, they will drag me down forever. It’s not being blind. It’s about acceptance. It’s not denial, hell, I’ve been looking at everything too closely. Not denial. Just letting go of unecessary shit that haunts me, that keeps me from settling, from looking at other things, from thinking about other things.

I know where the weight is. I know exactly where the rope is tied. I think I’ve only made half assed efforts to untie it.

I’m still looking for balance. If I let go of everything, it’s too much, if I don’t it’s not enough to come up. Keep some, lose some.

But the deeper I look, the heavier the weight gets. So, definately have to untie, to cut, to sever if necessary. I need to breath.

Not the eye of the storm

There are moments, I think, ok, I’m doing pretty good, this day is going fine. Then for a reason, for a word, for an idea, it just crumbles. Black returns, tears knock, knots get tighter. One line, one sound, one note, I’m lost. Fuck the storm, I hate her. I just want peace in my head, no winds, no rain, no debris flying all over the place, hitting me, cutting me, making my blood pour.

I want sunshine to illuminate my soul, a gigantic gust of wind to take the shit away. I want my eyes to settle, stop jerking around. I want to feel alive in the morning, not like a fucking corpse.

One note, one word, one line, one idea turns me around. The other way would be nice too. Is there a ladder down the rabbit whole? Maybe it’s not a rabbit whole, maybe it’s dark in my head because of the blinds I left closed. Open the blinds then, no? Haaa, but see, open the blinds, then open the windows, where is this all going to end? Maybe I’ll just take a peek first.

The pile

Writing about my childhood really brought back a lot of stuff… Things I had buried deep under newer stuff, stuff I can deal with.

I’m thinking about putting it down here. But I don’t know if I want to let it surface, or just let it hover for a while, until it goes back under the pile of shit taking most of the space in my head right now.

Nice parallel with the wall.

I’m getting confused.

Sex, death and the wall.

Sometimes, not every time but often enough, when I go to a funeral home, I get vaguely aroused. I feel so alive, so vibrant, so liquid. If not right in there, then later. The room is so grey, the gloom so overbearing, the people so sad. There’s this part of me that wants to defy death, to say fuck you, you ain’t got nothin’ on me.

Death is on my mind this time of year, and this year of course was something extraordinary. I know now that when I cry I do so because of my loss, because of the presence that is not there anymore. The person is gone, nothing I can do about it. I cry over my own inability to deal with the void. But I also know that by thinking about the ones that are gone, I keep them alive, I keep them in my heart.

I say cry, but they’re silent tears. I say cry, but they rarely get out. Rarely roll down my cheeks. My lack of empathy, my lack of interest in others, my avoidance of situations where feelings might get out of hand. That’s a burden, and a blessing. So much shit I dealt with as a kid, so many times I closed my eyes on situations I should not have gone through as a child.

In our house: junkies, thieves, dealers, dancers (hookers most likely, didn’t really question this), used syringes, empty bottles, overflowing ashtrays, loud music at 4 in the morning, people sleeping or having sex in the living room at all hours of the day, no food in the fridge, mom’s weekly new boyfriends (and sometimes babysitters).

Me then: serving as DJ starting at 6 or 7 y.o., walking over bodies to get to the bathroom, having breakfast at the neighbour’s, stealing change in unconscious people’s pockets, spending weekends at my aunts’, grand mother’s (maternal and paternal) and sometimes at my dad’s (when he was not in jail), avoiding touchy-feely guests (surprising how many men are interested in prepubescent girls), waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of the unhooked phone, finding my “babysitter” stoned out of her mind, asleep, drooling, I couldn’t wake her up, I put down the phone and went back to bed (I was 5). I could go on, but it serves no purpose.

Me now: Cold sometimes, unaffected, indifferent. I don’t want to feel too much, don’t want things to get to me. A fucking wall, at which I’m clawing now. I’m not sure I want to tear it down, not sure how much I want to let in.

But I’ve felt so much in the last few months. I’ve felt. Hurt, loneliness, depression, hope, love, lust, friendship. I felt them each separately, individually, not in a mush of self absorption, not like usual, brushing it off as self pity. There is no such thing as too much awareness, I understand that now.

I’ve felt. I want to feel more. I can handle it, now.

So sad

Not the Christmas anyone expected…

On the 22nd we learned that my sister in law’s brother died in his sleep the previous night. He was in his early 40’s, with 2 kids. She had lost another brother 4 years ago. She is now an only child… Both parents are still alive.

This year it was her turn to have us over for the Christmas dinner. She decided she did not want to cancel and still have a party. And it was a great idea. Everyone had a great time, we drank a lot (me too, a big fucking lot), did karaoke, word games, the food was great, we hugged a lot, cried, laughed, said I love you… L. did a wonderful santa for the kids.

That was last night. Before leaving for the party I called my dad to ask what time he wanted us to be there tonight for dinner. He said well, we might have a change of plans… My step mom’s sister has been in the hospital for a few weeks now, terminal cancer. And S. was there all night (23 to 24th). The doctors told the family she only had a few hours left.

This morning I called again, and my father told me S.’s sister had died yesterday. They are 10 brothers and sisters in her family, both parents are dead (of cancer). They were all there with their sister when she passed. I spoke with S. a little bit, we cried together, and I tried to comfort her as best as I could.

So we came back here. It’s been a very strange Christmas. I wasn’t looking forward to it, yet it probably was one of the best party we’ve ever had.

Maybe we were celebrating life.

In my ears

Tonight I took a long walk, it was snowing somewhat heavily, big fat flakes, beautiful.

In my ears “and up above, aliens hover, making home movies for the folks back home” and I was thinking, have I become a spectator of my own life?

In my ears “let it flow like a mud slide when I get on I like to ride and Glide I’ve got depth of perception in my text y’all I get props at my Mention ’cause I vex y’all so what’cha want” What is it that I want? What am I looking for here?

In my ears “A sickened mind and spirit, The mirror tells me lies, Could I mistake myself for someone, Who lives behind my eyes?” Is it really me here, or just a few layers that needed to be shed?

In my ears “In this theater that I call my soul, I always play the starring role” Center stage. Look at me, look at how miserable I am, look at how sad my situation is, look at meeeeee, hello????? I’m here, over here, hey, look here!

Strangely, I’m in a good mood tonight.

I think

I may be losing my mind

(not really)
(edited a little later, just to clarify… )

How to get there

Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
And I can’t help but ask myself how much I’ll let the fear take the wheel and steer
It’s driven me before, it seems to have a vague haunting mass appeal
Lately I’m beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel
-Incubus (don’t have the album, can’t find who wrote the lyrics… sorry)

Well, yeah, grabbing the wheel is a start. Getting rid of the fear. The appeal is in the comfort. In wearing your seatbelt. In making full stops. In never letting that needle get lower than half. I rode on fumes. Ran some red lights. I just need to get a better hold on the wheel.

Goddess of war

Not quite… But I’m in the temple of the Oracle, so I’m doing pretty good. And Kratos is damn sexy.


What defines a relationship after so many years? Besides comfort, besides habit, besides security. There has to be love. There has to be patience, acceptance, trust, understanding. But these things mean some kind of self sacrifice. Does self sacrifice mean love? What makes us think that taking the backseat is love. Then again, why is it not? Happiness can be found in self awareness, yes. Emancipation? Ok.

I’m not happy. It’s not his fault. Not at this point. It’s mine only. I have chosen to become who I am. I have chosen the paths at the crossroads. I have made the decisions. Not anybody else. So if I’m unhappy, it can only be my fault. It is my burden. My war.

I can deal with this. Nothing has changed, nothing of importance, in the last few years. Nothing in our foundations. Nothing. I’ve been able to take it, I’ve even embraced it at times. I’ve taken the wrong paths at times. It is now up to me to find my way. If it could become what it is now, there is no reason why I can’t make it become something better.

I’m taking on a challenge. Not out of fear of being alone. Not out of pity. Not out of obligation. Out of love. To end the war within myself. Beware, the Goddess has arrived.

I should stop playing that game.

A very momentary lapse of reason

Fuck the lighter side.

I’m doing fine, but. I can’t put my finger on it. We had this very open, very honest conversation. That was supposed to take care of everything, put things in perspective. Give us a chance for change, for improvement.

Ok, fine, we had the talk. So why do I feel unsettled? Is it because I thought it would change instantly? Because it wasn’t really what I wanted to hear? Because I, I, I, for fuck’s sake. Yes, I. Not you, not us, just fucking I.

Obviously he’s not the only one with problems. And that’s probably what struck me that night. Shit, I really did not want to hear this. Actually it never came out. I just realized it while we were talking. I have some serious issues. I need to grow up.

Christmas tree: up
Decorations: up
Anxiety: through the fucking roof
Coworker whistling Jingle Bells: dead
Me: feeling much better.