Weekly offering

Yes,all to:

L'écume des blogues



I just didn't want to to this tonight. Didn't have the energy. Inspiration is always there though, at the tip of your words.


As I think about what I've been writing here since the beginning, the changes, the stories, fictional and not so fictional, I realize that everything was a premise for what is to come. A kind of rain check on the inevitable, a silent yet violent therapy.

I haven't lived my life through my blog, rather, I lived because of it. Or resuscitated. Which ever it is, nothing else could've prepared me better. Will I ever be ready is another question. I guess not. Never.

I'm feeling the physical effects of the extreme emotional stress I've been under and it scares me. That alone should be enough warning. 

Also, denying myself of all the love I need to give and receive has made me a very bitter and angry person, and I don't like to hang around too long in my head these days. I miss that.

Despite what everyone has been telling me, I still cannot convince myself that I deserve, that I am worthy, that I am allowed. To. Anything.

It would be easy to blame. To point fingers. But I refuse to do that. In the process though, I have to fucking stop scourging myself. And just move on. Move the fuck on.

The ground has never been shakier. Yet, I'm willing to make one more step. And another one. And another one. 




First: If you get lost in here, check in the sidebar…Under the Pages, right above the Categories… A tiny link to the main page. Why? Because I have no time to learn CSS and fix this properly, and that's the best temporary solution I found… Eventually, I promise. That and the ugly links in IE. And the cutoff letters in the post titles in FF… I have to stop here cause I'll go on and on.

Second: I've updated my feeds in Bloglines and decided to make my profile public, the whole thing, except for blogs that I'm trying out (you don't even want to know how many there are in that folder…) I can't possibly link all the blogs I read here. And soon I will clean them up and update them. My Bloglines links will always be available though.

http://www.bloglines.com/public/swanpr (Link in the side bar as well)

I know, I know, there's a lot. I know, I don't comment. But I READ, believe me. 

Quand je dis que je bouffe les mots, quand je dis que j'en ai jamais assez…  

PS: I'm open to suggestions, for English blogs (poetry, short stories, prose, thoughts, well, you know…) Looking for new reads.


Skimmamarinkydoooooo… I – Love – You!!

Yes, the Skimmer. That's where I'll try and showcase blogs I love, written in English (and French too). An effort to bring your words to others. And another occasion to practice your second language, whatever it may be!

Today's post I wrote in French. Starting next Tuesday, I switch. 


Bring in the old

I miss my wine glass, ashtray, window with a view.

I miss it so much, I’ll work on my first template I had up here and incorporate it.

I miss it enough that I almost posted on Blogspot just to see it.

Attrape traffic

Je ne suis pas accros à mes stats. J’aime surtout savoir de quel pays viennent les gens qui passent ici. Le nombre de visites ne m’obsède pas, ça me laisse même indifférente.

Mais j’adore les mots clés! Pour mon propre plaisir. D’autres sont meilleurs que moi pour s’amuser publiquement avec les élans curieux des surfers.

Mais là, aujourd’hui, je sais pas ce qui se passe… Coudonc, y a tu un party Julie D’araiche/Michel Fugain en quelque part à soir? Parce que j’ai eu quatre hits dans la journée avec ces deux là. Ok, c’est pas tant que ça. Mais c’est tout de même étrange.

Mon plus gros succès est le mot JUPE. Un post, une centaine de hits. Le deuxième plus populaire étant MA CULOTTE. J’ai eu un hit avec “Matter les belles fesses” aussi aujourd’hui. Et “Latex bound dominated”.

Alors quelqu’un veut matter mes belles fesses dans des culottes en latex sous ma jupe en écoutant du Julie Daraiche et du Michel Fugain?

Beyond horizons

An english message will follow (ben oui quoi, c’est pas tout le monde qui est bilingue!).

J’ai des liens. Dans my sidebar.
C’est pas des plugs, c’est pas décoratif.
C’est des mots qui m’enchantent, des images qui me transportent.
C’est des vies qui bercent la mienne.
C’est des voyages, des rêves, des rires, des pleurs.

Allez les visiter, allez vers d’autres horizons.


I have links. In my sidebar.
They’re not plugs, nor decorative.
They are words that mesmerize me, images that transport me.
Lives that bear mine in mind.
They are journeys, dreams, laughs and cries.

Go and visit them. Travel beyond your horizon.