Yes, clearer

I show my face. Well, some of it. Enough for now. All I’m able to.

I’m playing with my template too, some changes already there, some more to come. But I love my header, so I have to work with it.

I just want this space to be more clear, more unblurred, more opened, more me.

It’s spring, old skins shed, windows opened wide.

I’m breathing, it feels good.

J’écris, tu écris, il lit, elle cherche son nom

10:51 sur l’horizon de la planisphére. Quelle belle heure, quel beau projet!

Les deux choses que j’aime le plus: La découverte de QUELQUES nouveaux blogs (maudit que le monde est petit) et le travail monumental de l’auteur (qui semble se chercher une blonde, mais je m’égare).

Je disais donc, quelques nouveaux blogs, car certains m’étaient déjà familiers, d’autres je fréquente déjà, sporadiquement ou régulièrement. Certains ont probablement plus de plaisir que d’autres à suivre les péripéties des auteurs. Moi je suis une égocentrique avouée. J’aime juste me voir nommée.

Je blague (oui, oui, enfin, un peu).

Alors, un beau merci à Sébastien, cet auteur fou qui se tappe des heures de lectures qui j’en suis certaine sont toutes aussi palpitantes qu’un Indiana Jones.

Hotmail lags

I’ve been using hotmail forever. I don’t know 8, 9 years? I don’t know if it’s just me, but lately it’s been acting up. Some delays in delivery. Sometimes for up to 2 hours! Just tonight, I tested it, and there’s a 5 minutes lag when I send from Hotmail to Yahoo. I send from Yahoo, receive right away in Hotmail. But once in a while I will get that 60-90 minutes lag, usually when it’s something sent between Hotmail accounts.

Now, five minutes is not a big deal. It’s nothing actually. But anything over thirty minutes is ridiculous. I use both Lotus Notes (what a heap of shit that is) and Hotmail at work. And I am now considering switching totally to Yahoo. The main problem is that I can’t install Yahoo messenger at work, so I would have to keep a browser window opened at all times. I actually installed the Yahoo bar, and it gives me alerts when I have new mail. But I still have to have that window opened. And I’ve customized Hotmail so much over the years, folders, options, blocked senders, signatures, etc… just the thought of doing that all over again on depresses me. I would also have to alert all my contacts, which can be done quickly, but would require a lot of reminders as well.

I love Yahoo’s interface, it’s alot less busy. And all the options and folders are easily accesible, not tiny and buried under huge flashing banners. Yahoo is saying that you will be able to access your Hotmail account from there soon. That would be great.

It took me five minutes to switch from IE to Firefox (well, Mozilla at the time), but this change might take a while longer. But I think it will come, unless I’m not crazy and Hotmail is really having problems (right, like they’re going to tell us) and are working on it… Man I’m lazy.

Invasion of your personal space

I’m trying out that blogrolling thing here… Some links in French, some in English, I’ve put small tags on them.

I’ve put only a few, the ones I read most often, I might add more, I don’t know. If you see your link here and don’t want to, please let me know. I’m a bit uncomfortable with this. I don’t know why. I’ll try it out for a little while anyway.

The puke pink will probably go soon. I can’t stand it anymore. The font, the layout, I’m just sick of it. So I might venture in the template world shortly. I might screw up. Oh well.

I love death

*Brilliant* flash movie

Original content at

Read and release!

Isn’t that a beautiful idea? If you haven’t done so yet, visit Bookcrossing. I won’t explain, just go have a look.

I’ve been a member for months, registered my books weeks ago… Meant to release them but got sidetracked a bit… I’ll go release a few next week for sure. I have to. It’s too good an idea.

I released only one and someone catched it a couple of days later. I hope he releases it back once he’s done!