I miss

your eyes on me your hands on me your fingers in me your teeth on my neck your mouth on my tits your hands on my ass my face between your legs my tongue on your balls your cock on my face in my mouth my fingers running down your body the taste of your skin your skin under my fingers my hands holding your face your hands holding my hips your fingers planted in my skin your tongue inside me your looking down at me sucking licking drinking tasting eating loving your body moving me watching in the mirror moaning crying wanting taking giving look how beautiful you are I want to fuck you hard now take it off no oh yes yes yes I see you looking I see now I still feel you inside me still smell taste want want need…

I changed my mind, I’m not thankful you let go.

the Dude

I watched the Big Lebowski again today. Sometime I wish I was like the Dude. He is totally aware and content. Absolutely ok with who he is, isn’t. Jeff Bridges reminded me to watch Arlington Road soon too, I really enjoyed that one when it came out. I love Tim Robbins. He’s filming with Phillip Noyce right now, a film about an ANC freedom fighter. Noyce is also directing American Pastoral, from Philip Roth’s novel. I bought some stock on the Hollywood Stock Exchange for that one but so far it hasn’t paid much.

Also watched The Fellowship of the Ring. How can a movie get better even after so many many times? I hope King Kong will have that same magic.


Pensant que les antidépresseurs lui nuisent, L. a décidé d’arrêter de les prendre… Le deuxième jour il était tout étourdi, faisait de l’angoisse et n’arrivait plus à dormir. Il a tenté de remédier à ça en se tapant une couple d’ativant… Il me conte ça ce soir. Je lui ai expliqué que s’il croyait qu’il était prêt à arrêter, il devait rencontrer son médecin… Il dit, je vois bien ça, et il a recommencé à les prendre.

Je vois bien que ça le fuck. S’il prend les antidépresseurs il ne bande pas, ne ressent rien. Il a l’air d’un zombie. S’il arrête il ne va pas bien. Il prend du ginseng et de la gelée royale, pourquoi, je sais pas trop. Mais du stuff fort, qu’il achète au chinatown. Ça lui coûte une petite fortune à chaque hiver. Alors on a le Effexor, les Ativan, la coke, la boose et les gogosses. Beau mélange.

Je suis assise ici… Je m’emmerde à mourir. J’ai envie de partir en voiture, conduire toute la nuit en écoutant de la musique. J’ai envie d’être dans un bar entrain de boire une bière en écoutant un band blues. On ne sort plus jamais. Ça fini toujours avec la coke. Comme je ne veux rien savoir et bien, on sort plus. On ne va plus au resto non plus. Je m’ennuie du 917.

Je suis assise ici… Je m’emmerde à mourir.

Being thankful

Our neighbors holiday made me think about that. This blog as well. Being thankful is not that easy, I think. Thankfulness is usually mixed up with other feelings. I will try to strip everything off right now say thanks.

to C. for being honest, compassionate, understanding, bitchy, funny, patient.

to L. for being strong, true, a wonderful father.

to my children for their love, their intelligence, their help and for just being.

to my mother, who while she was alive I was busy judging and criticizing, made me realize after being gone that all she wanted was for me to be me and to be happy.

to my father, for loving me at all times, even when I turned my back on him, and even more when I came back to him, without him ever asking me questions.

and finally, to the people who have paid attention to my whiney ass on this blog. I started here without even thinking for a second that people would stop by and read this. Then some did. And I am amazed. Because you have been so nice, and respectful. No one judged me. I still think that I’m weird, but I know now that it’s ok 🙂

I’m new to this. I’m starting to visit other people’s blog and really enjoy it. There are some wonderful human beings around here. And it gives me hope. After many years online, I never thought this would happen.

Shopping… take II

I hate, hate, hate going to the mall. And during the holiday season even more. Christmas music blowing, full blast… You can’t even think it’s so loud. I think they do this so you can’t keep track of how much money you’ve spent.

I found my dress though, after like 10 stores. I’m happy with it, L. is not thrilled, it’s floor lenght. He always wants me to dress slutty. And he was disapointed because I didn’t buy nylons. Ah jesus fucking christ. Can I just spend one day, one single day without having to deal with this?

I need some time off. From everything, everyone. Ok, I gotta brace myself for the next month. There will be no time off. No breaks. Gotta be strong, gotta be nice to everyone. I gotta let go. Mmmm maybe I should drink more. Or smoke. No, I’ll get through it. Come January, it will be a new year, and hopefully a new life.

A gift

With my birthday and Christmas coming up, L. told me that as a gift he will pay for some dental work. My front teeth are little bit crooked, not much, but it’s getting worst with time. I really didn’t think about it until my last visit to the dentist, when he asked me if was happy with the esthetics of my front teeth. I was a bit insulted and surprised. But it made it’s way. The strangest thing is, my dad has the same thing. Same teeth, same slant, same deviation. He’s older, so I kinda know what it will look like in the future. Scary.

But I was mostly surprised by L.’s offer to pay for it. I look a lot like my father, and he told me many years ago that it disturbed him for a while. Now I wonder you know? But never mind that. It’s a lot of money. I’m not comfortable with this. My friend tells me I’m just stupid and to book that dentist appointment already. She says I have to stop acting like I’m not deserving. She might have a point, but I’m not sure. Is it really because I feel like I don’t deserve such an amount of money to be spent on me? Or is it because I’d feel guilty later, if I was to leave him?

I’m so torn about this, yet I realize it’s not such a big deal. But I have issues with money. And so much money to be spent on my appearance… I don’t know. Would that be considered superficial? Smile is important though. And I keep my mouth closed more and more when I do. And I hide my mouth with my hand when I laugh out loud.

It’s weird. I’m very confident, have almost no self-image issues, yet this thing has been bothering me for a while now. I guess I’ll have to make a decision soon.


Tomorrow being turkey day and all my suppliers being down south, I will take the day off. I’ll go shopping for a dress for the company’s Christmas party. I feel like getting something totally outrageous, but not trashy. I want to be the star 🙂 well, might not happen, but I can always fool myself for a minute here. There’ll be around 500 people there. Lots of competition!

I don’t like parties, I never know what to do except drink and smoke. Dance a little bit once I had a few drinks and meet everyone’s wife/husband. I don’t care, ok? I won’t see them until next year anyway. I see these people year round, why would alchool and a nice suit make them more interesting? Sometimes I think I’m totally anti social, or hanging on the fringes of sociopathy. It could be that I’m in the wrong crowd too, I don’t know.

But I have to make a conscious effort to be nice most of the time to the people I work with. I have no interest in their personal lives or problems. I hate it when someone is talking about their relationship or their problems with their kids. I don’t want to know unless we’re friends. It’s just too much information. And how about their interests and hobbies? Nope, no interest there either. One quilts, knits, does tai chi and paints wood boxes. Another spends all her time at the casino or bingo.

There are 6 people in my department. None of the others have read a book in the 2 years I’ve been there. None!!! Music? Movies? Theater? Politics? I make suggestions, bring CD’s, lend them DVD’s… There is just nothing at all going on here. My work day is working like a growing desert in my mind. I’m drying. Scared, alone, isolated.

So a whole day shopping should bring me back to human form 🙂

Lâcher prise

Donne-moi un break… Je ne connais pas ça, les relations. J’en ai eu qu’une seule dans ma vie. Et puis toi.

Pas de drame promis ok? Mais fermer ma gueule pour faire plaisir c’est pas mon genre.

Je comprends bien plus de choses que tu ne le penses. N’assume rien à mon sujet. Mais de tout comprendre ne m’a pas empêché de me sentir désemparée devant ma disparition. Mon annihilation soudaine et totale. J’ai tourné la page, mais difficilement. Je suis tombée de très haut, à toute vitesse, après ce high.

Je sais même pas si tu vas lire tout ça. Alors je vais en profiter pour te dire ce que je pense vraiment.

On aurait pu se revoir. Le cul ça fait un temps. Combien de fois on aurait pu baiser comme on l’a fait cette fois là? Impossible à répéter, comme si j’avais été vierge. En fait, je l’étais. Qu’est-ce qui serait arrivé après deux fois, trois fois? Je l’sais pas. On aurait peut-être du y penser avant même la première fois.

C’est toi qui m’as demandé si j’étais capable de dealer avec notre liaison. C’est aussi toi qui m’as demandé si c’était juste du désir.

Mais c’est clair maintenant. Non, pas juste du désir. On avait faim aussi. Non, vraiment, pas juste du désir. Mais je ne le savais pas. Je pensais que j’étais cool avec tout ça. Comme j’étais dans le champ. C’est toi qui as tout vu venir.

Par contre pour moi, il n’est pas question d’oublier. Lâcher prise oui, mais pas oublier. Comment t’étais beau, comment j’étais belle dans tes yeux. C’était juste pas le bon moment. Tu m’as trouvé weird quand je t’ai dit everything happens for a reason, everything has a purpose. Mais j’y crois. Si ce n’était pas vrai, ce qu’on a fait n’aurait pas d’importance. Mais ça en a pour moi. J’ai beaucoup appris. Sur moi surout.

Je m’épancherai pas sur mes sentiments. Tu ne m’as jamais parlé des tiens alors je ne me questionne pas là dessus non plus. Mais sérieusement, je capote pas là ok. C’était heavy, je réagis à ma manière, c’est tout. J’ai pas de repères pour dealer avec tout ça. Je fais de mon mieux. Je veux pas te faire peur, je te l’ai dit, j’irai pas plus loin.

Fais ce que tu veux avec tout ça. Je ne te demande rien. C’est juste important pour moi de croire que tu me liras.

C’est ma maison ici, tu peux y venir quand tu veux. C’est ouvert.

Je t’embrasse,

Good Girl

Wonder woman

I was on fire at the office today… Cleaned up a lot of shit, ordered a lot of people around, argued with a sales director, impressed a VP, pissed off my boss, received a couple of emails from another VP who’s in China to ask me to take care of a few problems, put a new driver on the road… 🙂

I felt like firing a couple of my collegues… but I have only so much power. It was a great feeling though.
So I went to the video store and got Tekken 5, I felt like kicking some more ass. And also rented Gangs of New York, The Big Lebowski and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Thorn in my pride

Do you dream to touch me?
And smile down deep inside
Or could you just kill me?
It’s hard to make up your mind, sometimes…
My angels, my devils, my thorn in my pride.

-R. Robinson & C. Robinson