About that mood…

About That mood post.

I feel I have to say something. So I will. Because I think it will make things easier for me, for whoever stops by here.

I’ve said this in private, and now I will say it here. Nothing that I write here relates to anyone that reads me. It is not about you, or you, or him, or her. Unless I notify you in private, you will not read about you here. Never. I do not fuck with other people’s feelings or trust.

I would love to say the things I write to the persons my words are intended to, and sometimes I do. This is only an extension of feelings and thoughts. Not a place to settle scores or give false hopes or whatever might be percieved.

My email address is right here in my profile. If you want to talk to me, please do so, I’ll be happy to hear from you. I’m not hiding. There is no screen. No games.

I just wanted to make this clear. I hope no one takes it the wrong way. I don’t want to hurt anyone, that’s not what I’m about. So if I have, I apologize. But I’m glad I said it.

16 thoughts on “About that mood…”

  1. franky says:

    Oh well in that case, back to lurking (not that I had ever thought it was about me/someone, I always read your posts as ‘impersonal/personal for you)

  2. swan_pr says:

    you got it exactly right. lurk away my friend. but you’re welcome to leave your mark whenever the urge takes you 🙂

  3. moonwart says:

    Color me confused but I had always assumed that the content of this particular post was a given in this digital world.

  4. Stephaine says:

    This post reminds me of that Carly Simon song, “You’re So Vain”.

  5. Pierrick (/dek) says:

    I’m so disappointed. I mean, I was hoping this had something to do with me, with us, with our wonderful disabled babies and our countryside house. My life seems so useless now I wish I could hang myself with my hopes (tears running down my face, cries, cries, door slamming).

  6. All this time I thought you were writing to me! Suck rocks!

  7. swan_pr says:

    moonwart: you’re not the one who’s confused 🙂

    stephaine: it was even hard to stop thinking about it while writing this!

    pierrick: I don’t think I could’ve made a bigger statement than adopting the three kids you and your sister had together. isn’t that telling enough about my feelings for you?

    perrasite: maybe I was. to. just not ABOUT. :p

  8. Pierrick (/dek) says:

    swan_pr: I’m sorry. I don’t know how come I thought that you could be untrue, my lovely sister (violins).

    Okay. Now we DO have a plot. I’m on my way to HBO and The Fox.

  9. Et vous avez raison d’être glad d’avoir said it (j’écris bilingue à mes heures). J’en avais bavé pour traduire le “that mood”, mais par contre je n’ai pas un besoin de mon Harrial pour pigé le about.
    Ma première idée de com. était d’écrire comme perrasite, mais il a été plus fast que moi. Ceci dit, pour être a little serious, vous avez raison, il faut parfois remettre les pendule à la bonne heure. Pb!! Et le décalage horaire..
    Je vous piquerais bien votre texte pour le mettre dans mon blog et en v.o. pour décontenacer mes lecteurs(trices).

    Harry Steed

  10. swan_pr says:

    pierrick: if you go to the networks with this story I will too. And tell them all about your fun times with the goats at our country house.

    harry: it’s all yours 🙂 ça me fait plaisir. j’aime bien ce mix des mots. it gives les mots more saveur… alors allez-y, surprise them!

  11. Pierrick (/dek) says:

    swan_pr: It’s over. Us. Over. My lawyer will phone you, tomorrow. Come get your clown outfit sunday… or I’ll dump it. And you know what ? I never liked those so-called “sex games”. Never.

  12. Pierrick told me the clown outfit tatses funny now.

  13. swan_pr says:

    pierrick and weta: why don’t you two get a room? pierrick will initiate you to his special hobby: prick the goat. and Pierrick, all you had to do was say something before I brought in the dwarf. He liked you better than me anyways. His wife told me so when she came by to borrow the strap-on.

  14. Pierrick (/dek) says:

    I don’t have a special hobby but, undoubtedly, you were my special hobbit. Prick the goat ? Creep the goat ? Grip the coat. Whatever, at the time I wanted to say something about the dwarf – or about that thing you were doing with the toaster. But, you know, it’s not easy to find the words when you met the other the day before, you know ? At the beginning I thought it was “normal” and that I wasn’t. Gosh, I can’t believe I trusted you for the pink and green underwears. I blame society for my innocence and I beg the goats’s pardon for I fell under your influence, devilish critter.

  15. Weta chucks his toys from the cot. Suddenly a mysterious dome appears overhead. There is a hum….then ffzzzztt
    Crackle…. Okay joe the blog has been nuetralized. Over.
    Crackle. Pulling out now. All clear. Over.
    Cchhhcc cchhhcc Yeah, Yeah, will retrieve the electrodes. Over..

  16. Chris says:

    Don’t let this cause you to start guarding your words, not that I think you would.

    I love the raw emotion and thought that pours out of your entries!

    My Blog

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