I’m spiked

Tonight I watched TV for 4 hours straight. Something I haven't done in months. Maybe even a year. Two CSI's (I got Spike tv for me, I love that channel. I know, I know! I get UFC whenever I feel like it, isn't that great?) The simpsons, South Park then I flipped between the news and Criss Angel Mindfreak. CSI rules, period. Grissom is God. Criss Angel? I can't separate his act from David Blaines stuff. And his look is just ridiculous.

I'm ashamed to say this, but I've finished only two books of the 12 or so that I've started since this summer. I used to read two or three a week. Today I read during my break at work. And while eating lunch.

Today I had KFC for lunch and felt like shit for hours. But I enjoyed the food.

Today I left work early drove around my (small) town to look for "For Rent" signs. Then came back home and slept for two hours.

Today I thought, bite marks are ok now.

Today I realized that tomorrow could be like that too. And the next day. And the next.


6 thoughts on “I’m spiked”

  1. anon says:

    It might of been the ghb in kfc that made you feel like shit

  2. swan_pr says:

    ça doit être notre côté maso… c'Est franchement dégueulasse, et pourtant… héhé!

  3. lp says:

    YOu only felt like shit for a few hours after KFC?
    I feel like shit for 2 weeks at least. But I love it too! loll

  4. swan_pr says:

    dave: she's not THAT far… careful what you wish for.

    Ma bulle: même à deux les heures tuent. c'est tu mieux à deux? pense pas.

  5. Si tu savais les heures passé à jouer au game-Boy des enfants passke les heures sont à tuer.
    La télé, on en parle pas.
    Les sites de rencontres, non plus. chuttttt.
    mais tu sais. en fin de compte.
    on fini par trouver kelke chose a faire.
    (haaaaaaaaahhhh je dis n'importe koi)
    Shame on me.
    PFK gona kill you.

  6. DAVE says:

    OK where is swan and what have you done with her?

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