A thousand a month

1000 dead children dumped in a river of refuse and garbage. Every month.

One thousand. Somehow, the number can’t make it’s way to my brain.

Two weeks before these stories came out, another one did mention the Yamuna… Funny though, no mention of DEAD CHILDREN. Then again, it’s CNN.

6 thoughts on “A thousand a month”

  1. DAVE says:

    CNN – Consistently Non-News.

    Larry King bumped Michael Moore for Paris Hilton. Cuz amateur porn stars are more news worthy.

    A few weeks ago an international news event of importance got completely ignored because Paris going to jail, was more important.

    CNN, Not a source of news anymore, since FauxNews polluted the airwaves.

  2. lp says:

    CNN is the worst piece of shit tv.
    (beside Anderson Cooper)

  3. DAVE says:

    WHAT? Cooper is the worst. If I have to see the mumbling fool cry on TV one more time I’m gonna Allah Akhbar my TV into smithereens.

  4. swan_pr says:

    it’s easy to understand how Cooper gets away with it though. his pieces always look good, research seems indepth. I mean, he is good, in a comedic (or dramatic) way. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him sitting down with James Lipton… hahahaa 😉

  5. DAVE says:

    James Lipton… nice 😀

  6. M says:

    Death on certain scales… we don’t know how to deal with it. Single figures – the one or two in average murder cases. We are horrified. We can imagine one or two – but double fingers, tripple… we start stopping seeing them as people – they become statistics. The mind cannot concieve rationally of that many.
    Or something like that.

    As to the news industry; they have stopped serving the people and instead, largely, play the “we will give you whatever you ask for” because we need the ratings game.


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