In the next few days, I will make some changes. First in my personal life. My line of questioning lately has been directly linked to my leading a double life. I do not want this anymore. I want my writting here and my reading you to be known but mostly accepted.
I will not change how I write. I will not avoid matters. I will not impose censorship on myself. I will not hide my love for you, who come here and who I visit and read and admire.
But by pushing L. away from here, I also denied him of a part of me. Denied myself of enjoying this experience to its fullest. And the more I thought about all this, the less hiding this made sense.
L. was devastated when he read my blog. The last time he was here was in early January. Since then things have changed, stalled, moved, stalled. Overall though what I realize is that if I want to grow, to reach some kind of peace within myself, I have to let him back in, if he wants to.
Let him back in here and also introduce him to my life here, to my friends, to the things I love, the things that fascinate me. To share.
When he read what I wrote, he asked me if anyone we knew was also reading. Because there is so much personal stuff here. It was not the case. But now I’ve made some friends.
So. Very soon, maybe this week or the next, I will start a new blog. As a peace offering. As proof of my good faith that I want him to be part of my passions, my pleasures. Same name, only a different address. I will never, ever let go of what is here.
I’m scared. But I know that it has to be done. Whatever happens happens. I know that the outcome will be worth it.
That being said. Which platform? Should I pay for hosting or just use the platform’s service? WordPress? Platform27?